Differences: - "tegulae" black - very few of the mentioned white spots - last 4 abdominal segments black below in this male specimen - posterior white spots not edged with blue 365. Bombiliodes cuma. (Plate VII. fig. 2.) Gymnelia cwna, Druce, .A. M. N. H. (G) x:s:. p. 30:3 (1807). Male: Head, thorax, and abdomen black ; vertex of head and tegulm with blue spots j shoulders, pectus, and fore coxm with white spott;; abdomen with subdoriml white patches on first two segments, the po terior edged with silvery blue; the terminal seglllents with lateral crimson bands, the last four segments wholly crimson below; the ventral \·alve edged with white ; wings hyaliue, the veins, and margins broadly, black. Fore wing with the bas8 black ; J, black bar across submc